Thursday, July 12, 2012

Neon Alley and Toonami

Quick review on Neon Alley. I am all for it. The more anime becomes available to audiences, the more popular it can become. I really hope that people will use it so that hopefully someday there can be a true anime channel on Television. I hate how Funimation Channel is the only anime channel on television here in the United States and the only way to get it is by buying that channel on demand. Neon Alley also seems great because you'll be able to watch anime without having to look all over the internet for free episodes all because the government and licensors are stopping videos from appearing because of copyright. But yeah, I actually think people will take the opportunity to use Neon Alley. I like how Neon Alley is giving the fans a fun, new way to enjoy anime through new means. But it does bring up a certain question: now that companies are using video game consoles to stream videos, will there come a time when video game consoles become our new mode of television?

But anyway...I am glad that Toonami is back. Yes, I know it's been almost two months now, but it's just amazing how people can bring back a channel on the air. If they can do that, they can basically bring back any old TV show from way back when. However, I am a little hesitant to say that I am glad that it is back mainly because the ratings aren't all that great. I feel, hopefully I am wrong, that it might end up getting cancelled if the ratings don't go up. Also, with low ratings, it is almost impossible to get better animes on. Right now, their lineup is decent, not good nor bad. Hopefully they'll be able to buy better shows. Another thing I want to point out is that Toonami can set the precedent to having a real true anime channel as I said above of how I want one. If Toonami were to gain great popularity, it could totally have it's own channel especially since Toonami is not just about anime, but reviews on games, upcoming realeases on games and anime, and pretty much is a great place to just sit back and watch. However, that requires a lot of money. But having a Toonami Channel will probably never happen, so just don't forget what I said. However, the anime industry is all about business. So please have your friends and anyone to watch Toonami every Saturday night or just Tivo it or autotune or whatever. But yeah, that's it. I guess they're not really reviews but hopes and opinions. Haha.

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